Age Champion

  • Ageing faces

Dr Craig Marsh

Pro Vice Chancellor and Director of Lincoln International Business School

"As an SLT Ambassador, I am very much looking forward to meeting more members of our University community and doing my best to support them in their working lives with us"



"I decided to become the Age Champion on SLT for two reasons. First, given that there is no specific age – related community, I look forward to being able to represent any member of the University that feels as though their age presents a particular challenge to them in their work or career. Second, it enables me to learn more about those challenges, and ensure that as policies are developed at the University, then I can offer the opportunity to ensure that those challenges are taken into account in the decision-making process.

This role is also closest to my own areas of academic interest and contribution in workforce management, organisation culture, and HR strategy. All organisations are faced with important questions about how to ensure there is mutual benefit gained from employees extending their working lives; and how best to incorporate a younger generation who have a noticeably different attitude to the world of work from their predecessors. I also have a vested interest in working with our younger employees to understand and champion their particular interests, given that we have undergraduates who will be entering the world of work in a short time.

Finally, it is already known that there are certain ‘intersectional’ groups who may face particular challenges based on their age and other characteristics to whom I would look to offer support and guidance where I am able".