Women in Science, Engineering & Technology
Science has been the foundation of extraordinary social change over the last two hundred years, igniting the fires of the industrial revolution, and introducing a world view that values evidence and enquiry over perceived wisdom and convention. The immense challenges that continue to face us, from food security through energy conservation to disease prevention and cure, are challenges that only science can address. We need the very brightest and best young citizens to seek fulfilling careers in Science, and to find inspiring role models in the scientific community
tapping all our talents
The issue of women’s under-representation in science has become one of increasing concern over recent years. Although the number of women with STEM qualifications is growing, women working in STEMM academia remain a minority – especially in top positions. In marked contrast to men, many women with STEMM qualifications do not work in STEMM areas and are more likely than men to leave the STEMM sector at every stage of the career pipeline. Those who do remain in the workforce are still segregated by occupation (horizontal segregation) and by grade (vertical segregation), and are still paid less than their male counterparts. This gender disparity represents a quantifiable loss to the economy and society, and has an impact on individuals, departments and institutions. At the same time, employers in key sectors are reporting large impending shortages of people with STEM qualifications; whilst the need to grow the STEM sector to drive economic recovery has been well-recognised by the UK government. Essential to this growth, will be the realisation of the full potential of the STEM research base, whose excellence depends upon maximising the talents and skills of all its highly-qualified people.
women in science, engineering & technology group
The Women in Science, Engineering & Technology (LincolnWiSE) Group was set up at the University in 2012 to coordinate and deliver sustained support, guidance, training and inspiration for the Lincoln women in science, engineering and technology. It is also a platform for raising the profile of LincolnWiSE academics and researchers, at all levels, across the University.
The LincolnWiSE network is open to all female STEMM academics working at the University of Lincoln.
Contact Anna if you would like to join the LincolnWiSE network, or find out more about our events and activities.
Anna joined the School of Life Sciences at the University in 2010. Before coming to Lincoln, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Vienna. Her research focuses on understanding animal cognition as part of a biological framework: she is interested in the way reptiles and amphibians perceive the world, how they learn about their environment and how they use and retain this information; and she is also interested in how animals process the vast amount of information that they perceive daily, why they attend to certain elements of their environment, and how flexible their use of this information is. Academic profile