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  • Writing implements on a desk
Latest20 Dec | Diversity & Inclusion | Lincoln News

New on-line writing retreat for women at Lincoln to start in 2022

The gendered nature of caregiving means that women have borne the brunt of childcare and home-schooling during the pandemic, following the closure of schools and nurseries. This has had a measurable and significant impact on their research productivity. A disproportionate drop in women’s authorship of papers and initiation of projects was noticed rapidly in lockdown, and more recent studies, taking account of the lead time for research publication, have shown that this trend is sustained

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Rainbow painted face
16 Dec  | Diversity & Inclusion | Lincoln News

New LGBTQ+ online inclusivity toolkit

According to leading charity Stonewall, 1 in 5 LGBTQ+ individuals have been the victim of hate crime. Online social networking sites generate further opportunities for abuse. They are particularly harmful in the current context of widespread physical distancing and greater reliance on the Internet for work and life. Dr Rachela Colosi and Dr Nick Cowen from the School of Social and Political Sciences at UoL and Dr Megan Todd from UCLan have developed a toolkit for internet users to identify, challenge and prevent online abuse

White ribbon depicting the end of violence against women
27 Nov  | Guest Blog | Gender Equality

On the 3rd day of Activism, my true love gave to me: a march for women’s equality

There is an alleyway in Leeds where I live, that I now know in my head as ‘the r*pe alley’. It didn’t used to be this way – well it did, but I just didn’t know it yet. It was just the alleyway I used to get home, used to go to school or work. It was convenient, decorated in spray paint tags and color bursts and tree covered. I walked this alley so many times in the dark, alone after having just parted ways with friends, and at those times, I didn’t feel frightened

senior woman with her caregiver at home
25 Nov  | Diversity & Inclusion

Carers’ Rights Day 2021: knowing your rights and accessing support

Today is Carers' Rights Day! This year's campaign raises awareness of the rights of the many unpaid carers across the UK. Whether you are a new or experienced care-giver, it is important that you can access the support you need at the time that you need it. We must all recognise the mental and emotional toll that care-giving can have on those around us, and the impact on their family relationships and work-life balance

white ribbon symbolising the end of violence against women
25 Nov  | Gender Equality

UNiTE to end violence against women campaign 2021

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. As in previous years, this day marks the launch of the 'UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign' - an initiative of 16 days of activism that concludes on the day we commemorate International Human Rights Day (10 December 2021). Join us in this international campaign to raise awareness and make a stand against all forms of gender-based violence. Wear the white ribbon and make the White Ribbon Promise!

A black man in dinner jacket at awards ceremony
17 Nov  | Lincoln News

Celebrating Success 2021

We are thrilled to announce that Musiiwa (Moss) Takavarasha has received the LCHS Celebrating Success 2021 Staff Award in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion category. Moss, a registered nurse in the Lincolnshire Community Health Services (LCHS) NHS Trust, set up the Lincolnshire SWANS (Staff Wellbeing and Networks Study) to explore the issues surrounding race, access and belonging during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. This research now forms the cornerstone of his PhD within the EGC. Great news Moss!

Headshot of black woman in announcement advert. Winner of the Director of the Year Award
09 Nov  | Guest Blog | Lincoln News

Sue Liburd MBE wins Director of the Year Award 2021 for EDI

We are delighted to celebrate with Sue as she receives the Institute of Directors (IOD) Director of the Year Award 2021 for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Midlands Region). Sue champions diversity and inclusion in all that she does, promoting the importance and understanding of intersectionality and equality as a driver for business success. She is a consulting partner at the EGC and also one of our PhD students. Well done Sue!

Sad woman with depression sitting on the floor
10 Oct  | Diversity & Inclusion

Mental health in an unequal world

Today is World Mental Health Day 2021. Coming hot on the heels of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year's theme – Mental Health in an Unequal World – could not be more timely. The last 18 months has shone a spotlight on our health inequalities, facilitating frank and open discussions around mental health, and leading to the stark realisation that we are on the cusp of a mental health crisis – not just in the UK, but across the world

Headshot of black man smiling
09 Oct  | Diversity & Inclusion | Race equality | Lincoln News

Race Matters launches 27 October 2021

As part of our Race Equality Project, and in celebration of BHM 2021, we are proud to be launching a new programme in our Diversity and Inclusion Lecture Series later this month. Race Matters will join our successful Be Inspired! and Young Minds programmes, and will offer thought-provoking, lived-, and insightful narratives that aim to broaden attitudes toward the topic of race, exploring and challenging discrimination in a multidimensional way