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(Women in Science)

  • woman looking down microscope
Latest30 Jan | Cultural Calendar | Guest Blog | Gender Equality | Women in Science

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

As we celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science this February, I am struck by some of the gender equality problems women still face in STEM. The United Nations, who promote the event, say that even in 2023 women are still under-represented in fields such as engineering and computer science. And those female scientists who do persist, tend to have shorter, less well-paid careers and are often passed over for promotion

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Headshot of 19th century Ada Lovelace
13 Oct  | Women in Science

Ada Lovelace Day 2020: celebrating the achievements of women in STEM

Hot on the heels of the first ever Chemistry Nobel Prize to be awarded to two female scientists, today we celebrate Ada Lovelace Day, and the achievements of women in Science across the globe and throughout history. Ada Lovelace was a Victorian computing visionary - the first computer programmer - long before Alan Turing. Lovelace’s notes on the 'Analytical Engine' became one of the critical documents to inspire Turing’s work on the first modern computers in the 1940s

A 'cartoon-style' image depicting a scientist manipulating DNA with a pair of scissors
07 Oct  | Gender Equality | Women in Science

Well I never! Two female chemists share the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020

This isn't the first time that the Nobel Prize in Chemistry has set a record. It's not the first time the Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to a woman. It is, however, the first time a Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to two female scientists, and it is only the third time in over a hundred years that a Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to a woman that is not shared with a male colleague!

23 Sep  | Diversity & Inclusion | Gender Equality | Women in Science

Inclusion Matters

In 1975, the US government funded the “Double Bind” conference in Virginia to understand why so few minority women were becoming scientists. At the time, there was little understanding of the lived experience of women minority scientists.

Group of women chatting over coffee
06 Nov  | Gender Equality | Women in Science

breaking the barriers

The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes its new report on the barriers facing women in the chemical sciences. These barriers disproportionately affect women’s retention and progression, but affect everyone working in academic chemistry.

equality paradox, representing women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
22 Mar  | Athena SWAN | Gender Equality | Women in Science

What the STEM is going on?

The Equality Challenge Unit introduced the Gender Charter Awards (Athena SWAN) in higher education in 2006 as a tool to assess gender equality in STEM. While the initiative seems to be having some impact on the careers of women working in STEM at universities, the question remains…

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