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Embodiment research

  1. Owton, H and Allen-Collinson, J (2017) Athletic domestic violence: contaminating acts and the violation of self-boundaries, in A N Milner and J H Braddock III (Eds) Women in Sports: Breaking Barriers, Facing Obstacles. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Books
  2. Allen-Collinson, J and Owton, H (2015) Intense embodiment: senses of heat in women’s running and boxing, Body & Society, 21 (2): 245-268.
  3. Allen-Collinson, J (2011) Feminist phenomenology and the woman in the running body, Sport, Ethics & Philosophy, 5 (3): 287-302.
  4. Allen-Collinson, J (2009) Intimate Intrusions Revisited:  A case of intimate partner abuse and violations of the territories of the self, Qualitative Sociology Review, V (1): 50-69.
  5. Allen-Collinson, J (2009) A marked man: A case of female-perpetrated intimate partner abuse, International Journal of Men’s Health, 8 (1): 22-40.

Photo credit: Ms Toni Mcdonald

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