
Life course research

  1. Allen-Collinson, J (2007) ‘Get yourself some nice, neat, matching box files’: research administrators and occupational identity work, Studies in Higher Education, 32 (3): 295-309
  2. Allen-Collinson, J (2009) A marked man: A case of female-perpetrated intimate partner abuse, International Journal of Men’s Health, 8 (1): 22-40.
  3. Allen-Collinson, J (2009) Intimate Intrusions Revisited:  A case of intimate partner abuse and violations of the territories of the self, Qualitative Sociology Review, V (1): 50-69.
  4. Allen-Collinson, J (2009) Negative ‘marking’: University research administrators and the contestation of moral exclusion, Studies in Higher Education, 34 (8): 941-954.
  5. Allen-Collinson, J (2011) Assault on self: Intimate partner abuse and the contestation of identity, Symbolic Interaction, 34 (1): 108-127
  6. Allen-Collinson, J and Brown, R (2012) I’m a Reddie and a Christian! Identity negotiations amongst first-year university students, Studies in Higher Education, 37 (4): 497-511
  7. Allen-Collinson, J and Hockey, J (2007) ‘Working out’ identity: distance runners and the management of disrupted identity, Leisure Studies, 26 (4): 381-398.
  8. Allen-Collinson, J and Pavey, A (2014) Touching moments: phenomenological sociology and the haptic dimension in the lived experience of Motor Neurone Disease, Sociology of Health & Illness, 36 (6): 793-806
  9. Gaunt, Ruth (2017) Social psychological predictors of involvement in childcare: the mediating role of changes in women’s work patterns after childbirth. Community, Work and Family. ISSN: 1366-8803
  10. Gaunt, Ruth and Scott, Jacqueline (2017) Gender differences in identities and their socio-structural correlates: how gendered lives shape parental and work identities. Journal of Family Issues. ISSN: 0192-513X
  11. Mann, Robin, Tarrant, Anna and Leeson, George (2016) Grandfatherhood: shifting masculinities in later life. Sociology, 50 (3). pp. 594-610. ISSN: 0038-0385
  12. Mitchell, S, Allen-Collinson, J and Evans, A B (2016) ‘Ladies present!’: an auto/ethnographic study of women amateur golfers at an English provincial golf club, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise & Health, 8 (3): 273-286
  13. Pavey, A, Allen-Collinson, J and Pavey, T (2013) The lived experience of diagnosis delivery in Motor Neurone Disease: a sociological-phenomenological study, Sociological Research Online, 18 (2).
  14. Tarrant, Anna and Featherstone, Brid and O’Dell, Lindsay and Fraser, Clare (2017) “You try to keep a brave face on but inside you are in bits”: Grandparent experiences of engaging with professionals in Children’s Services. Qualitative Social Work. ISSN: 1473-3250
  15. Tarrant, Anna (2016) Getting out of the swamp? Methodological reflections on using qualitative secondary analysis to develop research design. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. ISSN: 1364-5579
  16. Tarrant, Anna (2016) The spatial and gendered politics of displaying family: exploring material cultures in grandfathers’ homes. Gender, Place and Culture, 23 (7). pp. 966-982. ISSN: 0966-369
  17. Tarrant, Anna and Terry, Gareth and Ward, Michael and Ruxton, Sandy and Robb, Martin and Featherstone, Brid (2015) Are male role models really the solution? Interrogating the ‘war on boys’ through the lens of the ‘male role model’ discourse. Boyhood Studies. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8 (1). pp. 60-83. ISSN: 2375-9240.
  18. Thwaites, Rachel and Pressland, Amy (Eds) (2017) Being an Early Career Feminist Academic – Global Perspectives, Experiences and Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan UK. ISBN: 978-1-137-54325-7
  19. Thwaites,.Rachel. (2017). Changing Names and Gendering Identity: Social Organisation in Contemporary Britain. London: Routledge. 



Photo credit: Ms Toni Mcdonald

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