Responding to young fathers

  • father and baby

This project is predominantly practitioner led and aims to utilise the findings of the 'Following Young Fathers' study to develop policy and practice that is father inclusive and recognises the value of fatherhood in the lives of young men, their partners and their children

The “Responding to Young Fathers” (RYD) project builds on the findings emerging from the ESRC funded Following Young Fathers2 (FYF) study, and related findings and analysis of the FYF data from the affiliated Men, Poverty and Lifetimes of Care3 (MPLC) study. The project is practitioner led and involves collaboration between local and national organisations who were original partner organisations of the network that formed as part of the Following Young Fathers study. Dr Anna Tarrant is the academic lead and is working in close collaboration with the FYF directors, Prof. Bren Neale and Dr Carmen Lau-Clayton.

The project consists of three interrelated work packages that broadly seek to extend and improve policy and practice with young fathers nationally; to increase recognition of the multiple challenges faced by young fathers; and to provide them with increasing opportunities to engage in advocacy and collective support.

Project Lead

Dr Anna Tarrant, School of Social & Political Sciences


The Leeds Social Sciences Institute

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