Covid Impact fund 2022

  • Male academic working in home office having virtual team meeting on video conference call using computer.

The pandemic has unquestionably impacted research productivity across the sector and amplified existing inequalities. Increased caring responsibilities, childcare and compulsory home-schooling during the pandemic, has left many academics feeling disadvantaged and worried about longer-term impacts on their career progression

The Covid Impact Fund (CoIF) 2022 has been set up to begin to redress some of this disadvantage. Anyone who feels their research or research productivity has been impacted by Covid is eligible to apply

Covid impact fund 2022

Funding call open: 01 February 2022

Applications to be received no later than: 14 February 2022

Decisions: 28 February 2022

Funding available: £2,000

Timeframe constraints: money must be spent before 31 July 2022

Selection criteria:

  • How are you impacted?
  • Justification for support (i.e. how do you propose to use the fund, and how will this help?)
  • Likelihood of spend within timeframe

Selection panel:

Director of the EGC, College Directors of Research

To apply:

Completed application forms (see download panel) should be sent to no later than 14 February 2022. Please include 'CoIF 2022' in the subject line

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