EIA Stage 3: Assess the impact

  • cogs in mechanism


Stage 3 requires consideration of the equality impacts that the proposal has, or is likely to have, in relation to each of the protected characteristics, using outcomes from the evidence and consultation in Stage 2

You are looking for any findings from your evidence and consultation that suggest a possible negative or positive impact, implication or consideration for any group. If after gathering as much information as you can, you cannot identify impacts (e.g. because you don’t have any evidence relating to a specific group), you should note this and explain if this limits the assessment. Where possible, identify how you can seek to develop greater knowledge of any impacts in the future. 

It is best to consider all the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2012, as well as any additional disadvantaged groups identified (e.g. parental/caring responsibilities, socio-economic background, gender). Where relevant, you can also consider combinations of protected characteristics (intersectionality).

Types of impact

Negative: Findings that suggest a negative implication, disadvantage, or consideration for a particular group of people.


Positive: Findings that suggest a positive implication, advantage, or consideration for a particular group of people. 


Neutral: Findings that are neither negative nor positive. This is not the same as unknown impact (see below). 


Unknown: When you lack information about impacts for some groups, e.g. no evidence. Note this and consider how to fill gaps in future – add to action plan.