Our consultancy: Lincoln Equality & Inclusion Advisory (LEIA)
The Lincoln Equality and Inclusion Advisory (LEIA) develops hands-on and bespoke strategies to address a range of diversity and inclusion challenges, and build sustainable inclusive environments within your organisation
'Doing' and 'being' – two very different things
Have you ever thought about how we 'do' diversity; how we 'do' EDI?
The traditional approach to EDI – the mandatory training (including the unconscious bias training, of course), that everybody does, and very few engage with; the awareness-raising events; the initiatives that have been cut-and-pasted from other organisations – is no longer enough. Over 30 years of significant investment in 'traditional EDI' has failed to create a fully diverse workforce, and the inclusive environments for which we strive.
There is now a much broader understanding of the need for transformational and progressive EDI. Progressive organisations are beginning to ask questions, to seek solutions, to look for evidence of change, evidence of impact.
Transformational and progressive EDI comes through research – it is disruptive thinking that will change the EDI landscape and influence EDI agendas of the future.
The EGC are leaders in transformational and progressive EDI strategy – from inclusive leadership to inclusive recruitment; from grassroot engagement to high-level culture change. Let us work with you to transform the way that you 'do' diversity; the way that you 'do' EDI.
Start the conversation – and begin your journey towards a more inclusive future.