Diversity & Inclusion Lecture Series

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The Eleanor Glanville Centre hosts a number of programmes that sit within the Diversity & Inclusion Lecture Series. These aim to be both inspirational and motivational, exploring and challenging our attitudes and behaviours across the range of protected characteristics and disadvantaged groups

Race Matters

The Race Matters lectures offer thought-provoking, lived-, and insightful narratives that aim to broaden attitudes toward the topic of race, exploring and challenging discrimination in a multidimensional way.

Be Inspired!

The Be Inspired! Lecture programme, which is free and open to the public, is a series of inspirational lectures and thought-provoking talks by successful figures under-represented in their field. Occasionally we film the lectures, so that you can enjoy them again. Check out our video store.

The Glanville Lectures

 The Glanville Lectures are public lectures held annually, that bring truly motivational speakers to Lincoln.

Young Minds

Each year a new cohort from our 'Newton Academy - the science club for girls' completes their three-year programme, and each year we celebrate their graduation with a Young Minds lecture. By inviting an exceptional scientist to Lincoln, we hope to inspire the Newton girls to do great things in the future.

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