Equality Analysis Toolkit

  • Three Muslim women wearing hijabs sat at a computer

Supporting you to make inclusive decisions...

The Equality Analysis Toolkit is designed to support the completion of equality impact assessments (EIAs) across the University, ensuring continuous improvement in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion 

Equality Impact Assessment is a systematic analysis of a policy, strategy, service, system, project, plan, event, or any activity that involves people. It is used to help organisations ensure that their policies, procedures, practices, services, events and activities do what they are intended to do, and are fair and inclusive to everyone (e.g. do not present barriers to participation, or disadvantage anyone). Wherever possible EIAs proactively advance equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). 

The Toolkit is divided into 6 parts:

  • Part 1: What is an EIA?

  • Part 2: What are protected (and other) characteristics?

  • Part 3: When should you do an EIA?

  • Part 4: Who should do an EIA?

  • Part 5: What is the EIA process?

  • Part 6: Carry out a digital EIA

For more information, or to request support, please contact the EDI team

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